The Blue Bells School | Facilities


Innovation spaces for learning communities

The school infrastructure has been meticulously designed to facilitate the philosophy and approach of the institution.

Our exploration has been wide-ranging, to enable us to understand the ways in which students imbibe knowledge and values. The way we see it, schools are learning communities where children spend their formative years. During this critical and impressionable phase, they develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. Schools, therefore, have a lasting impact on their personalities.

This understanding has led us to create spaces for community interaction, collaborative work and individual learning. Each classroom is spacious and has earmarked zones for multitude of tasks such as instructional teaching, collaborative project work as well as relatively personal “cave spaces” for a degree of privacy for self-study. For every 8 classrooms there is also one community space for large group interactions.

The building is fully air-conditioned to create a comfortable environment that is conducive to learning.

The Blue Bells School|Facilities

Tech advantage

When used wisely and to the appropriate extent, technology can be optimally effective in education and can transform any learning institution.


The Blue Bells School | Facilities
Anshuka Aneja
Dy. Director – IT
The Blue Bells School|Facilities

Technology plays an integral role in the curriculum. From state-of-the-art computer and robotics labs to IT enabled teaching tools, we ensure that we harness the full potential of technology to help children learn better.

Our facilities

The Blue Bells School for Integrated Learning is CBSE-affiliated school in Gurgaon. A child-centric institution where children enjoy ownership and feel a sense of belonging.

While they each find comfort in a space that they can own, the facilities ensure that their safety and wellbeing are well supervised and taken care of.

The school’s sports infrastructure and programme have been scientifically designed for optimal physical development and with a view to inculcate team spirit.

There are special facilitating spaces for each activity, whether it is performing art, literary pursuit or study of a subject.