A School is not just about learning numbers and letters, but a place that promotes the social and emotional well-being of a child. Creating a positive environment that takes into consideration emotional health leads to a better educational outcome as well.
The Blue Bells School for Integrated Learning focuses on integrating both social and emotional well-being of students with their physical well-being through their school life.
What is social-emotional learning?
Social Emotional Learning is defined as:
“A process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”
Social-emotional well-being in the form of learning is a critical and challenging aspect of an education plan as it deals with those traits in a child that are difficult to assess. This includes social awareness, stress management, decision making, self-efficacy, interpersonal behaviour and relationship building.
The best schools in Gurgaon (and across India) have developed personalised learning plans to incorporate these non-academic skills impeccably into the curriculum to help nurture healthy and responsible citizens for the future.
Why social-emotional learning is important?
When social and emotional skills are taught in the schools, students have better social, behavioural and academic outcomes. School-based social-emotional practices help in character development and also have a positive impact on emotional and physical health of the students.
There are hundreds of skills that teachers model and teach students, amongst them, these are the most practised skills by the top 10 schools in Gurgaon:
1. Being Aware of Oneself: Self-awareness helps a child to evaluate his/her strengths and weaknesses better which is vital for self-improvement.
2. Social Skills: A child’s capacity to interact with others to show respect and acceptance for their ideas and behaviour which is vital for cooperation and tolerance in social situations.
3. Decision Making: A child’s problem-solving approach that involves learning through her/his own experiences. This teaches them the essence of using the right values to guide their actions and being responsible.
4. Relationship Skills: This is basically a child’s ability to get along with others that promotes and maintains a positive connection with friends and others.
5. Self-Control: A child who practices self-control, is always successful in evaluating his/her emotions and behaviour. This skill helps him/her to face a new or challenging situation with utmost success.
6. Positive Thought Process: When a child has self-confidence, has a hopeful attitude towards circumstances and is optimistic, then it is considered as holistic development of the child.
7 Being Responsible: A child who understands his/her own responsibility, has the tendency to be careful and reliable in his/her actions.
The best schools in Gurgaon are focusing on social-emotional learning to build student’s mental health and resilience so that they can deal with any tough situation with utmost calmness. We at The Blue Bells School for Integrated Learning have found ways to personalise our students’ learning experiences in a meaningful, productive and healthy way.