The Blue Bells School | Living with an Adolescent: 5 Essential Tips for Parents

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Living with an Adolescent: 5 Essential Tips for Parents

If you have a teenager at home, this blog is for you! Those who have, know that living with a teenager is nothing less than a rollercoaster ride full of unknown twists and turns. It is a crucial period of change not just for the children but to some extent for you as well. You get to know the real meaning of mood swings! One moment you are hanging out together like friends and on the other hand  you may be arguing like siblings over a disagreement.

It’s a period marked by intense emotions, identity exploration, and the quest for independence. If you still haven’t experienced it with your child, let us tell you it’s going to be overwhelming for both of you but we are here with some rescue tips for you!

Here are five essential tips to help you manage the challenges of parenting adolescents effectively, fostering a supportive and understanding environment for your growing teen.

  1. Understand and Validate Their Emotions

Teenage is a time of emotional turbulence hence understanding the teenage behaviour is necessary. Your little one, who is not so anymore is experiencing hundreds of new feelings and it’s important to understand & validate them. However difficult it may be as a parent, when they come to you with their problems, listen without judgment. Research has shown that when people actively listen and observe each other’s expressions, their brain patterns begin to sync.

Imagine your teenage daughter comes home from school and she is upset by a fight she had with her bestie. Instead of taking it as a light matter or dismissing her feelings by saying it is not a big deal, acknowledge her feelings.

Talk to the child and say things like ‘I understand’ and ‘Would you like to talk about it?’ ‘What is hurting you the most?’ ‘What would you like to do about this situation?’ Providing space to the child and acknowledging their feelings will make them feel heard and understood.

Setting Boundaries with Teenagers

  1. Stay Calm and Composed

When you’re in your teens, at times, being rebellious is a part of growing up. They’ll always try to push boundaries and test limits. As a guardian, it may be overwhelming for you; however, with calmness and composure, you can manage things when they get heated. You must be more understanding and guide them instead of creating complexity.

Your teen son or daughter will sometimes act challenging, but you must maintain your composure. Take a few deep breaths, analyse the situation and collect your thoughts before speaking. This will set a role model for them as how to behave.

  1. Be Supportive in Times of Distress

According to a survey report, ‘Teenagers may not feel that they have your support and as a parent, even when you are always there for them’. So it is very important to make them feel they have your support and you are with them. 

This intense period of adolescence and puberty can take them through stress and the feeling of being dejected. Be a supportive parent, be present for them during these times of distress and try to understand them in a friendly manner.  

Reassure and empathise with them, telling them it’s okay to feel these emotions and they are not alone. Whether it is academic pressure or some tension with friends, be there to help them.

Tips for Parenting an Adolescent

  1. Effective Communication with teens

Communication can solve anything and open any locks. Use this key with your teenager by getting involved in dialogues where they may feel safe expressing their thoughts and feelings and speaking their hearts out without fearing punishment or judgement.

Have regular conversations and make it a rule at home where everyone sits together, shares and talks about their day-to-day experiences. Initiate picnics, day outs, movie nights, or play video games of their choice to connect with them. This quality time can be a good opportunity to connect with them and see what’s in their mind.

Parent Supporting Adolescent Child, Inspired by Best CBSE Schools in Gurgaon

  1. Encourage Independence while Setting Boundaries

Teenagers demand more independence. While being a parent, you may be scared to leave them on their own, but it is necessary at some point for their development so that they don’t feel burdened or caged. Balancing between encouraging independence and setting boundaries is one of the most challenging aspects of parenting teenagers.

Let your child make the decisions regarding certain aspects of their life. For example, choosing their career or the extracurricular activity they like, the language they want to pursue, or the drama that they want to be a part of.

But in all this, guidance is necessary; don’t stick your ideologies on them, but show them both sides of the coin.

Parenting a teenager is definitely not a cakewalk but it can be easy if you’re prepared.  By understanding and validating their emotions, staying calm, being supportive, having proper communication, and giving them freedom to express and make choices, can help build a stronger & more trusting relationship with your teenager.